Lessons from the World to Democratic Taiwan
Democracies only survive because its citizens defends them. It’s important for Taiwan to not have a false sense of security and take its freedoms for granted.
Democracies only survive because its citizens defends them. It’s important for Taiwan to not have a false sense of security and take its freedoms for granted.
Do we use technology to support freedom, or tyranny?
We talk with Alex Gladstein of the Oslo Freedom Forum in Taipei, about technology and human rights, and why the Forum picked Taiwan to host its first ever event in Asia.
我坐在 Giovanni 與 Coco Filippini 的廚房、汗流浹背,但當我看到他們拿著一瓶冰涼的聖沛黎洛 (San Pellegrino) 氣泡水出來時,我就知道頂著酷熱、跋山涉水來到這間隱密的義大利餐廳是值得的。
But in South Donghe, home to some hundred residents, really the middle of nowhere, a trattoria joins a small number of eateries that dare to rebel against Taiwan’s local palate.