Convenience Store as News Media: Conversation with Audrey Tang (Part 1)
Ketagalan Media talks to Taiwan’s Digital Minister Audrey Tang about working as a government official, and the future of news media.
Ketagalan Media talks to Taiwan’s Digital Minister Audrey Tang about working as a government official, and the future of news media.
澳籍策展人易安妮(Annie Ivanova )因此寫了《Taiwan by Design》這本書,這本書是第一個蒐羅台灣元素、美學設計的專書。
It is out of the same frustration that led Australian curator Annie Ivanova to create “Taiwan by Design”, the first comprehensive book about the elements and influences shaping a new Asian design aesthetic from the beautiful island called “Taiwan”.
Taiwan’s openness has attracted many people to visit its LGBTI-friendly communities. Here are 10 popular or important LGBTI destinations, events and organizations in Taiwan.