Nearly 2 million people voted for parties that were left out of the final makeup of the legislature. Though some of these 14 unsuccessful parties attracted meaningful levels of support, none surpassed 5% nationally, so at the end of this process, their supporters’ votes would appear to be discarded.
On Saturday 16th January, more than 20,000 ardent supporters crammed outside DPP headquarters in Taipei to hear Tsai Ing-wen’s first speech as Taiwan’s President-Elect.
The DPP would be better off running its own city councilors or famous and charismatic pan-greens in Taipei’s districts from now on…Not only would these candidates with closer ideological affinity be much easier to cooperate with after taking office, they may even be more electable.
There is a sea change going on in Taiwan’s politics and the country is looking for a new paradigm. I think a higher percentage of the population will opt for a new party over the two old, tired ones, than most people expect.