Mala-Ta-Ngia, a Bunun Festival

Mala-Ta-Ngia, a Bunun Festival

The Bunun are noted for their calendar system (based on moon cycles) and a written language that are both over 1,000 years old. Their most significant cultural festival, which occurs in the month of May, is the Bunun Ear-Shooting Festival (Mala-Ta-Ngia).

Dear Judges, Your Turn

Dear Judges, Your Turn

After our spring of civic awakening, are our judges ready? In a Taiwan where the system of checks and balances is broken, how will this last defense for rule of law and democracy respond to the demands of the society? What will the future of Taiwan’s courts look like?

Are You a Traveler or a Tourist?

Are You a Traveler or a Tourist?

The grand promise of building a mega-tourism empire actually attracts multinational tourist corporations which hire locals only for low-skilled positions, reaping the benefits from consumerism at the social and environmental expense of the host country…

This Will be a Long Summer

This Will be a Long Summer

We must struggle against authorities, police beatings, media distortions, judicial abuses, and the leaders’ ignorance of the people’s will, and become able and determined to take back our nation. Our Freedom Summer will unveil the coming torrential rains…



2014 年,所有共同經歷過這一段歲月的我們,體驗了衝撞體制、警方毆打、媒體黑白顛倒、司法體系緊咬不放、當權者冥頑不靈等各種民主失衡的現象,也必當建立起奪回自己國家,拯救自己國家的決心與意志。我們的這一場自由之夏,才剛為接下來的暴風雨揭幕…