One Year of Ketagalan Media

Ketagalan Media is celebrating its first year of providing our readers and listeners with ideas and trends that link Taiwan, Asia and the world together. In our one year anniversary feature, find ways to stay connected, what people are saying about us, and of course our very own Top 10 moments of this past year.

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The thing I particularly appreciate about Ketagalan Media is its rich and diverse content. Its work runs the gamut from exclusive interviews with up-and-coming as well as established Taiwanese leaders like Sunflower Movement activist Lin Fei-fan and Tainan Mayor Lai Ching-te, to stories on Taiwan’s civil society and foreign relations. Ketagalan Media addresses a gap in bilingual literature on Taiwan and its neighbors, and I look forward to seeing the news site expand and develop in the future.

Julia Famularo

Georgetown University Doctoral Candidate in Modern East and Central Asian Political History; former Editor-in-Chief of the Georgetown Journal of Int'l Affairs, Washington, DC

What I love most about Ketagalan Media is that it’s a quality source of information and ideas, and a friendly place for enlightened discussion about Taiwan.

Catherine Chou

Doctoral Candidate in History, Amherst, Massachusetts

The most important Asia-focused news site to appear in the last year. What’s scary is that what it does in terms of content, which is already very keen, is surpassed by its ambitions as a new media platform.

Rebecca Liao

Corporate attorney and China analyst, Palo Alto, California

Ketagalan Media is unique because there is a balance between expertise on current issue and letting the reader appreciate them from culture and history to tell a bigger story than the stories themselves.
Nikki Lin

Auditor, London, UK

Since its launch, Ketagalan Media has offered what no other Taiwanese media outlet provided: political, social, and economic analysis connected to today’s dynamic and ever-changing international landscape. Ketagalan is my source for Taiwan-relevant insights and thought-provoking pan-Asian news.

Carolyn Huang

Public Policy Doctoral Candidate, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Ketagalan Project has open a new window and hope for the future of Taiwanese media. It challenged the status quo by emphasizing Taiwan’s existence in the international society. It’s the window for Taiwan to see the world, and vice versa. All the very best and keep rocking!

Jovian Gautama

International sales representative, Taipei, Taiwan

Ketagalan media’s podcasts and articles are engaging, intelligent and insightful. I’ve been recommending it to everyone who’s interested in understanding  what’s going on in Taiwan.

Alex Young

Product Manager, Palo Alto, California

Leading Taiwan to be more global, and letting the globe know Taiwan more ! 最棒的國際台灣媒體!

Gabriel Ger

Managing Director, Wolf English International, Yunlin, Taiwan

Top 10 Favorite Articles, Essays and Interviews

The editorial staff at Ketagalan Media bring you our ten favorite articles, essays and interviews of this past year; some inspiring and provocative , some are watershed moments, and some are just ideas we haven't thought of before. Scroll down to begin:

10. Be Civilized, Don't Speak Catalan or Taiwanese

In her first essay, Barcelona based columnist Chiya Elle got right to one of the most divisive and personal parts of identity: language. She puts side by side Taiwanese and Catalan side by side and shows us that even though the two are at opposite ends of the earth, the languages and their native speakers have similar histories and aspirations.

9. Land Abuse (KP3)


Last year’s land abuse cases have mostly been forgotten but mainstream media today, but it was an important building block of a trend towards a turning point in Taiwan’s political history. Many of the familiar faces and names in social activism circles today were out on the street protesting the government’s abusive taking of private homes throughout Taiwan, which highlighted the problem of disparity in wealth and political power.

8. The Potential of Austronesian International Trade


Long-time indigenous rights activist Tony Coolidge, whose mother is an Atayal aborigine from Taiwan, writes of how the indigenous culture in Taiwan should not only be seen as a quaint, exotic culture to be exploited through tourism. Instead, embracing Taiwan’s Austronesian roots connects it to other nations throughout the world; in other words, Taiwan’s internationalization.

7. Pro-Democracy Protest in Hong Kong Met With Tear Gas and Rubber Bullets

Ketagalan Media has been paying attention to Hong Kong’s relationship with China, as part of a trend of China coming to terms with modernity. It is no surprise, then, that a protest of this magnitude occurred in Hong Kong in October. Behind the calls for democracy, however, is a more subtle but perhaps more important shift in identity, exacerbated by economic inequality.

6. Between Economy and Nationalism: Scotland’s Left on Independence


This summer, Scotland voted on whether to create a new nation-state. Guest contributor Xu Heqian observes from Edinburgh, on how a vision of a social-democratic state fueled the independence movement more than old-fashioned ethnic nationalism. The lessons for Taiwan are many, for each of our readers to appreciate on his or her own.

5. This Will be a Long Summer /  漫長的自由之夏


Our first bi-lingual piece, Ching-fang Hsu tells of an unfolding of civic movements after the Sunflower Movement. As the youth becomes newly energized politically, how will that energy be directed? 太陽花學運之後,作者許菁芳以美國「自由之夏」為引鑑,敘說一個政治啟蒙的年輕世代,接下來該如何改變世界。

4. The Debrief, 3/18/14

March 18, 2014, will be a day long remembered in Taiwan’s history, as the legislature, the highest representative of the people’s will, was occupied by a group of students and activists, after the legislators tried to pass a controversial trade agreement with China. The ensuing demonstrations became known as the Sunflower Movement. Ketagalan Media watched the events unfold the night of the 18th, and brought first hand information from the scene to the English audience.

3. The Coming Independence Surge / 風起雲湧的台獨大浪

In the same trend of politicized youth from the Sunflower Movement, authors Brian Benedictus and Michael Turton project that Taiwan’s society will be pushed further towards demanding independence. 延續政治啟蒙的年輕世代,台灣社會必然將會往更急迫的獨立前進嗎?

2. Dadaocheng (KP7)


Dadaocheng is a magical place. Not only for its sense of community and its old baroque buildings, but for the histories within the streets that are part of the secret code to understand modern Taiwan. In this episode we begin to unlock those codes, but this will not be the last project we do with Dadaocheng. Stay tuned!

1. Crystal Boys (KP8)

Crystal Boys is a classic novel about Taiwan’s gay subculture in the 1970s, but it is also about family, authority and freedom. We talk to director 曹瑞原, actors 莫子儀 and 陸一龍, and the author 白先勇 himself about an upcoming stage adaptation, and unsurprisingly, conversation turned to the gay marriage debate in Taiwan, as well as its martial law past. This is what we do at its best: understanding Taiwan’s politics through its culture.

Thank You

And last but not least, we want to give the biggest thank you to you our readers and listeners, for appreciating our vision for a more global and contexted newstelling of Taiwan, Asia and the World. Expect the next year to be even better!