Prospects of Leveraging Taiwan’s Semiconductor Power for a Taiwan-EU Bilateral Investment Agreement
Taiwan may leverage its semiconductor power to jumpstart negotiations on a bilateral investment treaty with the European Union (EU).
Soft Power in Action: The Power of Protest Songs in Nigeria and Taiwan
Protest music in both Taiwan and Nigeria describe the power of young people at very different stages of the democratization process.
Reconsidering Taiwan’s Place in the International Order: Lessons from the WHO and ICAO
Taiwan could move on from participating in organizations like WHO and ICAO, and instead advance creative proposals for overhauling the world order entirely.
Net Zero Emissions: A Core Business Priority
Taiwan needs clear policy direction at the national level to transition to net zero emissions, which has become a pressing business priority.
1992 Consensus Replaced By Multilateralism in the Taiwan Strait
The multilateralization of the Taiwan Strait is the American response to China’s unilateral, provocative change in the status quo.
Innovative Online SOAS Taiwan Studies Summer School Open to All
The Taiwan Studies department of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (SOAS) will hold their summer school online from June 28 to July 2.
Multilateralization of the Taiwan Strait: US-Korea Summit
For Taiwan, the US-Korea Summit is another sign that the US is making the Taiwan Strait question a regional, multilateral, and international issue.
Human Capital Development and Agricultural Aid: A New Model for Taiwan
Taiwan’s agricultural aid to its partners should focus on deployable Agriculture 4.0 technologies, vocational training and targeted micro-investments .
COVID-19, Migrant Workers, and the Fight for Equality in Taiwan
The poor treatment of migrant workers in Taiwan speaks to broader discrimination, undermines the New Southbound Policy and harm Taiwan’s reputation.
A Carbon Neutral Future: Can Taiwan Get There?
In Taiwan, 55% of emissions is from electricity, 25% from manufacturing, and 17% from transportation. What is being done to achieve carbon neutrality?
Where Is the Africa-China Trade Relationship Headed In 2021?
Africa-China trade in 2021 will be more complex, with vaccine diplomacy and China’s new focus on domestic demand under its “dual circulation” policy.
Love And Family In the Time of COVID-19
Real stories of love and family from a quarantine hotel in Taipei as reported by political staffer Wu Cheng, who was quarantined at the same hotel himself.