The Coronavirus Outbreak Spotlights Taiwan’s Exclusion from International Organizations
Taipei’s exclusion from international organizations is not only detrimental to Taiwan to but to global health. Taiwan’s friends should make a more concerted effort to ensure its meaningful participation going forward.
The Rise and Fall of Han Kuo-yu (Part 2): 30 Years of Democracy
2020 could be the year Taiwan sheds itself of the dictator’s legacy, and find our real values in freedom, democracy, equality and justice.
Playing Politics With Human Lives: China and the Wuhan Coronavirus Crisis
When the coronavirus is sorted out, will the world realize the Chinese regime’s self-serving nature when it comes to humanitarian efforts and global health?
An Assessment of the US Free and Open Indo-Pacific Vision for Taiwan
The US State Department’s Indo-Pacific vision report presents Taiwan as a valuable partner. Even so, Taiwan could have, and should have, had a stronger presence in the report.
Does Taiwanese Identity Translate to Votes for Tsai Ing-wen?
Tsai Ing-wen’s victory last month was a clear vote for Taiwan’s national identity—and the numbers back that up.
An Impossible Choice: The KMT’s China Policy
The KMT’s fundamental dilemma: what to do with its China policy? Abandon the 1992 Consensus, or double down on its pro-China position and risk being further marginalized?
Save the Sinking Ship: Can the KMT Reform?
The KMT has to decide between younger, progressive, more pro-Taiwan voters, or double down on traditional older conservative voters who still believe the China dream.
US-Taiwan Relations in 2020
President Tsai Ing-wen’s decisive re-election may distress the PRC and KMT opposition, but provides a measure of continuity and stability in Taiwan as it encounters a range of challenges, new and old.
The Race Is On: The Next Chairman of the KMT
The KMT is scrambling to find someone who will take over as chairman and lead the party out of its slump. Will it be a fresh new face, or more of the same?
Taiwan’s Universities Are Fighting for Their Lives as Birth Rates Plummet
Up to 12 of Taiwan’s 51 public universities, and up to 40 of its 101 private universities, will merge or close by 2023. These moves will have serious consequences.
Opportunities and Challenges for US-Taiwan Relations
In 2020, there are opportunities for the United States and Taiwan to deepen trade relations, pursue new and important arms sales, and update their relationship for the Xi Jinping era.
The Rise and Fall of Han Kuo-yu (Part 1): The Holy Grail of Taiwan Politics
The holy grail of Taiwan’s politics for the past 30 years has to do with this man, and the key to understanding the rise of Han Kuo-yu, the KMT 2020 presidential candidate.