China Engulfed Itself In the Flames of Nationalism
When the Taiwanese no longer share the memories of World War II with China, it is a way for Taiwan to break free from China.
Is Taiwan the motherland of China?
Taiwan is a sovereign state today as the ROC, but Taiwan’s sovereignty does not ultimately depend on the ROC.
The TAIPEI Act: Origins, Tools, Results, and Remedies
Passed in 2020, the TAIPEI Act was intended to stem Taiwan’s loss of international allies and to incentivize the United States to act.
President Lai Ching-te’s Inaugural National Day Address: Taiwan’s International Persona
His intention is to utilize this inclusive stance to strengthen Taiwan’s collective identity and foster unity among its people—acknowledging that the journey of Taiwanese national identity formation is still a long way ahead.
The Continuous Rise of Taiwanese Subjectivity From Colonial Legacy to Democratic Era
It is evident that the path of Taiwanese subjectivity will continue to advance under the Lai administration, accompanied by policies emphasising democratic ideals, rather than taking a route of pitting Taiwanese nationalism against Chinese nationalism.
Taiwan Stands on the Frontline of the Global Tech Competitiveness and Semiconductor Standoff
The United States and its allies are taking measures to protect their interests and prevent Chinese tech companies from dominating the global semiconductor market.
To defend or not to defend Taiwan is the question
Time is closing, and the world is watching. History will judge the US’ actions (or inaction) when the pivotal moment arrives.
Kuomintang’s Preposterous Proposal Regarding UN 2758
Now, all three parties in the Legislative Yuan have issued their own statements and proposals regarding Resolution 2758, and the president of the Legislative Yuan has ruled for them to proceed to a second reading and inter-party negotiation.
Attracting and Retaining Talent in Taiwan
The TGC program is an excellent pathway to Taiwan for foreign professionals, but areas for improvement exist.
US-Taiwan 21st Century Trade Initiative: What’s Next?
The future of these negotiations likely hinges on the priorities and approach of the next U.S. administration, potentially leading to a period of reassessment and realignment in U.S.-Taiwan economic relations.
Understanding Taiwan’s Migrants
By refining its migratory strategy to better support and integrate newcomers, Taiwan will not only enhance its commitment to democratic values but also foster a more inclusive and cohesive society.
Book Review: Taiwan’s Peculiar and Beautiful Plants That Warp Space and Time
Even though the plant world is vastly different from our world, upon closing the book I couldn’t help but make connections as a subjective reader—the people of Taiwan have the same story as the plants of Taiwan.