Meet the Taiwanese Team Betting on Breaking the Solar Energy Storage Bottleneck
A Taiwanese engineer and an indigenous tribe member want to bring a novel method of solar energy storage to Taiwan’s rural, off-grid indigenous communities.
Weighing the Effects of Taiwan-China Competition in Latin America and the Caribbean
China’s economic outreach in Latin America and the Caribbean has eroded Taiwan’s diplomatic presence in the region, but mixed investment results and divided public reception will complicate China’s attempts to cultivate its new relations.
As Tea Shops’ Political Troubles Boil Over, Who’s Really Hurt?
Latest round of businesses having to clearly conform to China’s political line brings new wave of boycotts in an increasingly zero-sum game.
Taiwan’s Democracy the Key Focus During Tsai’s US Stopovers
President Tsai’s first state visit to Taiwan’s Caribbean allies was overshadowed by lengthy stopovers in New York City and Denver, where Taiwan’s democracy was the main feature, setting the scene for the 2020 elections—which Tsai and others claim will be a battle for values and Taiwan’s future direction.
Made in Taiwan, Straight to the United States
The US-China trade war, now in its second year, has made a tremendous impact on Taiwan’s economy, as the tiny-but-mighty country’s strong tech industry is growing at an unprecedented pace.
How Much of China’s New Defense White Paper is Propaganda?
It is important for us to acknowledge, but not recognize and proliferate, unreasonable claims made by the CCP, as doing so can legitimize the party’s attempt at undermining democracies in the region.
Observations on Rising Populism in Taiwan Politics
Populist politics started in 2014 Taipei mayor election by the non-party affiliated Ko Wen-je. Han Kuo-yu in his Kaohsiung mayor election in 2018 further amplified and dramatized such populist swing within KMT. Such populist political culture even penetrated into the wider society in creating an aggressive and hostile collective political mood against political establishment and liberal tolerance.
Xi Jinping Stokes Fear With Travel Ban to Taiwan
The Chinese ban on individual travel to Taiwan will see its largest impact felt not within Taiwan, but within the minds of the people of China.
Coming to Terms With Myself: Freddy Lim
Freddy Lim, the Lead singer of Chthonic, is the “soul” the band. He’s also concurrently a New Power Party legislator in the Legislative Yuan. From singing death metal to softly explaining public policy, he makes a fist first but brings his palms together. These are the important works of his life.
Should Taiwan Resist China or Stay Silent? A Response to Chou Hsi-wei
Taiwan cannot secure its own sovereignty by relying on a policy of ‘talk and love’ with Beijing, writes Ricky Yeh.
Hong Kong Violence Reveals True Face of One Country, Two Systems
In this opinion piece, veteran commentator Simon Lau, a former advisor to the Hong Kong government, analyzes the political context behind the scenes from the British colonial era to today’s one country, two systems framework and the political realities the Hong Kong people must now face.
Advancements in US-Taiwan Relations Counter “Bargaining Chip” Theory
The past two years have seen continued advances in US-Taiwan relations, despite fears that the Trump administration would use Taiwan as bargaining chip in US-China relations. A joint agenda for the relationship would help ensure that bilateral ties continue to deepen in the years ahead.