Global Technology Decoupling and Taiwan’s Conundrum
Though the ongoing process of chip supply chain diversification seems more like an opportunity than a challenge, it is crucial to Taiwan’s technological edge—which is linked to its future security against the PRC—in contrast to the economic and market-related concerns of peers.
Responding to Trump on Taiwan’s Semiconductors and “Protection Fee”
It’s possible that industrial policy will shift to something else in the next few years, but whatever it is, the US should look deeper into the systemic origins of its manufacturing malaise.
The Roots of China-Russia Geopolitical and Ideological Partnership
As the China-Russia partnership rises, the US is entering a crucial presidential election. How to face this reality and China and Russia’s interference in the US election and democratic values in general, is a pressing challenge for our time.
Roses grow in a crevice of rock — On the literature in Czech and Taiwan
What is Taiwan? What is the tradition of literature in Taiwan? These questions still haunt modern Taiwanese society.
Book Review: Reasons of the Land
The future remains unknown, and we are still groping forward in the mist, much like the farmers in “Reasons of the Land” who nearly got lost in the bamboo grove.
Building Strategic Empathy for Great Power Competition
Building strategic empathy at the grassroots level and across the public and private sectors can help the United States, China, and Taiwan to build mutual understandings from which constructive dialogue may occur.
Book Review: The Kingdom of Characters or the Empire of Mandarin?
The book “Kingdom of Characters’ ‘ reflects a common misunderstanding of the fact that Chinese characters is simply a script used by a multitude of languages in the East Asian cultural sphere, similar to Latin, Cyrilic, or Arab scripts.
Taiwan’s Music Industry Finding its Voice through Localization and Internationalization
Taiwan’s music industry flourishes at the nexus of localization and internationalization.
An Assessment of the PRC Fifth Column Network within Taiwan
With increased vigilance in Taiwan’s government, China is likely to shift pro-Beijing fifth column network development toward Taiwan’s non-national security sectors, coupled with gray zone and united front operations, to intensify its political and cognitive warfare against Taiwan.
Book Review: The Sun Falls On Hainsaran – Taiwan’s nature and life under Japanese colonial rule
The Sun Falls On Hainsaran takes the reader on a journey, through Chu’s graceful prose, of the nature and life of Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule.
Taiwan’s Dilemma of Procedural Justice
Now facing the expanding authoritarianism ideology in Taiwan’s parliament, the challenge lies in how to once again elevate Taiwan’s democracy through openness and transparency.
The Future of Taiwan-Vietnam Economic Relations
Despite Chinese pressure, Taiwan and Vietnam have built a strong, increasingly dynamic economic partnership, which is likely to continue to grow in the coming years.