What’s Tsai Administration’s Real Pingpuzu Challenge?
In the past few years, the government has already discussed every proposed solution. The question is not whether the Pingpuzu should be recognized, but how to deal with the politics.
Citizens, Design, Democracy: Deepening Civil Participation
A summit conference was held last week from October 15 to 16 for Taipei to dig into how design and designers can contribute to public policy that affects the city and its residents.
我坐在 Giovanni 與 Coco Filippini 的廚房、汗流浹背,但當我看到他們拿著一瓶冰涼的聖沛黎洛 (San Pellegrino) 氣泡水出來時,我就知道頂著酷熱、跋山涉水來到這間隱密的義大利餐廳是值得的。
New Power Party Half a Year In: Interview with Huang Kuo-chang
Ketagalan Media interviewed New Power Party chairman and legislator Huang Kuo-chang (黃國昌) during his September 9, 2016 visit to Princeton University to speak about transitional justice.
Dark Charybdis: New Concept Album and Aspirations
Darice Chang interviews local Deathcore band Dark Charybdis about their first upcoming album.
Legitimate Pasta, Middle of Nowhere, Taiwan
But in South Donghe, home to some hundred residents, really the middle of nowhere, a trattoria joins a small number of eateries that dare to rebel against Taiwan’s local palate.
Tsai Ing-wen’s Pingpuzu Aborigines Challenge
In practice, the legitimization of Pingpuzu claims opens up a Pandora’s Box of challenges that, no matter how they are resolved, will undoubtedly leave many indigenous activists very unhappy.
Around Taipei Cafés in 180 Words
With the café/diner concept in mind, here’s an assortment of new establishments and old favorites to try out in Taipei.
Book Review: The U.S.-Taiwan-China Relationship in International Law and Policy
Chen has made a convincing case for a plebiscite to decide Taiwan’s future throughout the book by showing the historical and current development of Taiwan in the international community,