The Geostrategic Imperative of Principled U.S. Taiwan Policy: A Rebuttal to “The Taiwan Fixation”

It must either reaffirm its commitments to Taiwan and its Indo-Pacific allies, or play a game of equivocation and risk the unraveling of its global leadership.

American Aid to Taiwan: U.S. Interests in Foreign Aid Policy

Against this backdrop, U.S. aid to Taiwan can be regarded as one of the most successful long-term investments in American foreign policy history.

How Can Small Progressive Pro-Taiwan Political Parties Become a Third Force?

Most importantly, the alliances formed by progressive small parties must show how a multi-party competitive system can function effectively in Taiwan.

Taiwan’s Submarine Cable Network Strategic Value and Future Outlook

Through strategic planning and investment, Taiwan must continue to strengthen its cable network to maintain international competitiveness, ensure digital sovereignty, and consolidate its position as a regional communications hub.

Reforming Taiwan’s National Health Insurance: From Exploitation to Equitable Participation

Taiwan’s National Health Insurance system began implementing a major reform in December 2024 that eliminates the suspension-and-resumption mechanism for overseas residents.

What Happened to the Votes for the Minor Parties?

What Happened to the Votes for the Minor Parties?

Nearly 2 million people voted for parties that were left out of the final makeup of the legislature. Though some of these 14 unsuccessful parties attracted meaningful levels of support, none surpassed 5% nationally, so at the end of this process, their supporters’ votes would appear to be discarded.

8 Reasons the DPP Fell Short in Taipei

8 Reasons the DPP Fell Short in Taipei

The DPP would be better off running its own city councilors or famous and charismatic pan-greens in Taipei’s districts from now on…Not only would these candidates with closer ideological affinity be much easier to cooperate with after taking office, they may even be more electable.



這次的立委選戰關鍵在哪裡?台灣政權的轉移會導致什麼樣的結果,以及哪一些地區會因為藍綠的鬥爭而爆冷門?台灣政治評論家 Solidarity 與 Donovan Smith 告訴你本週最矚目的十個件事關於這次立委選舉。