The Geostrategic Imperative of Principled U.S. Taiwan Policy: A Rebuttal to “The Taiwan Fixation”

It must either reaffirm its commitments to Taiwan and its Indo-Pacific allies, or play a game of equivocation and risk the unraveling of its global leadership.

American Aid to Taiwan: U.S. Interests in Foreign Aid Policy

Against this backdrop, U.S. aid to Taiwan can be regarded as one of the most successful long-term investments in American foreign policy history.

How Can Small Progressive Pro-Taiwan Political Parties Become a Third Force?

Most importantly, the alliances formed by progressive small parties must show how a multi-party competitive system can function effectively in Taiwan.

Taiwan’s Submarine Cable Network Strategic Value and Future Outlook

Through strategic planning and investment, Taiwan must continue to strengthen its cable network to maintain international competitiveness, ensure digital sovereignty, and consolidate its position as a regional communications hub.

Reforming Taiwan’s National Health Insurance: From Exploitation to Equitable Participation

Taiwan’s National Health Insurance system began implementing a major reform in December 2024 that eliminates the suspension-and-resumption mechanism for overseas residents.



所以台灣的人民更應該利用這次的機會,取回制定對話基礎的權利。找出台灣身為一個國家的真正含意吧。 找出方法來建立可令人信任與可靠的政府吧。開始在公眾論壇上,討論如何建立公民、社群間的關係,如何將統治權度讓,要怎麼保護我們的權力。

Sweet Dreams, Ma and Xi

Sweet Dreams, Ma and Xi

Ma thought he was going to take cross-Strait relations to another level, however his performance at his meeting today only showed the public how far his vision is divorced from the reality in Taiwanese society.

Welcome to Democracy, Xi Dada

Welcome to Democracy, Xi Dada

As the meeting unfolds today—forget all the historic symbolism, the diplomatic intrigue, or the geopolitics. The only thing that should really matter at the end of the day is the people of Taiwan. And they want to be heard, too. Welcome to democracy, Xi Dada.

Why Did Xi Give Ma the Nod?

Why Did Xi Give Ma the Nod?

So far, commentary on the Ma-Xi summit mostly talks about the impact to the Taiwan elections. But the meeting has deeper historical symbolism and regional geopolitics at play. Why did Xi finally say yes now?






台灣一直以來不遺餘力提供跨國界、國際人道救援,例如,201 1年福島核災後,台灣貢獻了比任何國家都多的金援和救濟品給日本。然而,真正的人道主義並不僅是給了就消失:為舒緩國際社會面臨的問題而做出長期的貢獻,如此才是真正的人道主義,而現在正是時候。

Dadaocheng: 1920s Cosmopolitan Taipei

Dadaocheng: 1920s Cosmopolitan Taipei

The economic boom brought cultural and social movements, especially as modernism took hold in the early 20th century. The newfangled ideas that were widely spread in the parlors of Paris, the salons of New York, and the cafés of Vienna made their way with cargo ships to Dadaocheng.


