Taiwan under the US-EU Strategic Realignment: Supply Chain Resilience, Technological Decoupling and Sustainable Futures

US-China competition and US-EU strategic realignment have forced a fundamental shift from cost-efficient global production networks toward “short-chain” regional production systems, while simultaneously creating new imperatives for green transformation.

The Future of Taiwan-Europe Relations: How a New Trump Administration Could Reshape These Ties

As Europe considers its approach towards Taiwan in the coming years, it will be influenced by the Trump Administration’s approach.

The Geostrategic Imperative of Principled U.S. Taiwan Policy: A Rebuttal to “The Taiwan Fixation”

It must either reaffirm its commitments to Taiwan and its Indo-Pacific allies, or play a game of equivocation and risk the unraveling of its global leadership.

American Aid to Taiwan: U.S. Interests in Foreign Aid Policy

Against this backdrop, U.S. aid to Taiwan can be regarded as one of the most successful long-term investments in American foreign policy history.

How Can Small Progressive Pro-Taiwan Political Parties Become a Third Force?

Most importantly, the alliances formed by progressive small parties must show how a multi-party competitive system can function effectively in Taiwan.

Tale of Two Mayors

Tale of Two Mayors

In Taipei and Delhi, Ko Wen-je and Arvind Kejriwal both campaigned for mayor on platforms of clean governance, fighting corruption, and bringing power back to ordinary citizens by participatory democracy and greater transparency.

Daxi, a Tourist in My Hometown

Daxi, a Tourist in My Hometown

But aside from being a tourist spot with beautiful views and a rich history, what should Daxi be known for? In a world where everyone is hand-cuffed to the global supply chain, what are Daxi’s marching orders in the worldwide division of labor?

Which Way in Post-Lee Kuan Yew Singapore?

Which Way in Post-Lee Kuan Yew Singapore?

Two paths now appear before Singapore: the first one hopes that there will be many more leaders like Lee to sustain his contributions to Singapore; the second view calls for a transitional opportunity for the society. Signs seem to be pointing to the latter.

New Property Tax Proposal Criticized

New Property Tax Proposal Criticized

Taiwan’s Ministry of Finance has proposed new changes to property taxes in Taiwan, to combat a runaway real estate market. However, the finance ministry’s proposal has been called by KMT and DPP legislators alike as not going far enough.