The Debrief, 9/9/14

The Debrief, 9/9/14

Taiwan’s latest food oil safety scandal, NATO on the Islamic State, the race for submarines in the Western Pacific and Scotland, where polls show more 51% for independence, 10 days before the referendum.

The Debrief, 9/2/14

The Debrief, 9/2/14

Tensions between Hong Kong and China rise again as China proposes to controls on chief executive elections; why Taiwanese businesses in China are not returning to Taiwan, and India’s prime minister’s first foreign trip–to Japan.

The Debrief, 8/26/14

The Debrief, 8/26/14

From comparing minimum wages in Taiwan and Korea, to another Taiwanese food conglomerate with Chinese business interest buying cable operator CNS, and the case of James Risen, national security and press freedom.