2016年,民進黨同時拿下總統大位與立法院過半、取得 30 年來最大的勝利,但隨著民進黨在政府的權力達到歷史高峰,派系惡鬥是否又會成為焦點,或者會在蔡英文的領導下煥然一新?
2016年,民進黨同時拿下總統大位與立法院過半、取得 30 年來最大的勝利,但隨著民進黨在政府的權力達到歷史高峰,派系惡鬥是否又會成為焦點,或者會在蔡英文的領導下煥然一新?
The DPP have gained an unprecedented number of seats at the local and national level, and with it, a rise in strength among the party’s factions.
Whether they like it or not, the DPP’s raucous factions have one foot in the grave, and Tsai Ing-wen is shovelling dirt in their face. Is this a new beginning for the DPP?