Is Taiwan the motherland of China?
Taiwan is a sovereign state today as the ROC, but Taiwan’s sovereignty does not ultimately depend on the ROC.
Taiwan is a sovereign state today as the ROC, but Taiwan’s sovereignty does not ultimately depend on the ROC.
His intention is to utilize this inclusive stance to strengthen Taiwan’s collective identity and foster unity among its people—acknowledging that the journey of Taiwanese national identity formation is still a long way ahead.
It is evident that the path of Taiwanese subjectivity will continue to advance under the Lai administration, accompanied by policies emphasising democratic ideals, rather than taking a route of pitting Taiwanese nationalism against Chinese nationalism.
The Pan-Asian Civics roundup summarizes key developments related to democratic participation in Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore.
Li Ao, through his provocations and caricatures, moved Taiwan and China in a direction that was perhaps diametric to what he had hoped to see.