Referenda May Not Be the Best Mechanism for Deciding Taiwan’s Foreign Policy
Are referenda the best way to address foreign policy issues in Taiwan, given the repercussions for Taiwan’s economic and strategic position?
Are referenda the best way to address foreign policy issues in Taiwan, given the repercussions for Taiwan’s economic and strategic position?
The US withdrawal from Afghanistan is a necessary strategic adjustment that will help Washington focus on the Indo-Pacific.
Politicization of the “comfort women” issue impedes justice for the Taiwanese women who endured Japanese military sexual slavery.
Taiwan shattered records at the Tokyo Olympics, but more work on its international reputation is needed on issues like migrant workers.
How can Taiwan create new possibilities for securing vaccines in international negotiations, now that COVID19 is becoming a new normal?
Crackdown on Hong Kong’s Apple Daily is just the beginning of Xi Jinping’s oppression, unless the US-led democratic world take real action.