Why Was a Caregiver in Taiwan Threatened With Deportation by a Philippines Official for Criticizing Duterte?
Taiwan’s labor helpline denied reports that a Filipino caregiver was being deported for criticizing her country’s president online, which spread from a press release carrying the name of a Philippines labor attache in Taichung.
‘Masking’ the Issue: Is Taiwan Trying to Normalize the Death Penalty?
Taiwan’s latest execution of a death row inmate has no obvious political motive. Its once-stated objective of abolishing capital punishment now seems more distant than ever.
Han Kuo-yu Recall: Kaohsiung Mayor Vows to Fight in Court as ‘D-Day’ Looms
Han Kuo-yu is reaching into his bag of tricks to slow the recall effort against him as it becomes increasingly likely he will soon be removed as Kaohsiung mayor.
How Will the US-China Trade Relationship Affect Taiwan After COVID-19?
The ‘phase one’ trade agreement between the United States and China doesn’t have to negatively affect Taiwan—as long as Taiwan’s government is ready for it.
Taiwan Is Flattening the Curve. Singapore Is Locked Down. Inside Their ‘Second Wave’ Coronavirus Responses
Taiwan and Singapore have both been held up as models in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Taiwan has handled its “second wave” far more ably than Singapore.
Freddy Lim: Tedros Must Stop Attacking Taiwan & Shoulder Responsibility of Pandemic Response Failures
Wednesday’s allegations by WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus further marginalize Taiwan and shift responsibility from the WHO’s own failures in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, writes independent legislator Freddy Lim.
Taiwan Could Decriminalize Adultery Soon. But It Might Take a Couple Years
Taiwan’s highest court could strike down the country’s criminal adultery statute within the next two months… or, in a saga familiar to all who followed the legalization of same-sex marriage, it may take a couple years.
The Hualien Quarantine Story Fiasco Revealed How the BBC Fails Taiwan
The BBC’s coverage of a coronavirus quarantine in Hualien revealed deeper issues about its approach to covering Taiwan.
Quarantined: When Taiwan’s Phone Tracking System Goes Awry
Turns out there were plenty of human interactions. Unfortunately, they were with the police.
No, Taiwan Does Not Need to Rely on Trump for Strong U.S. Support
U.S.-Taiwan ties have been strong during the Trump presidency, but there’s no reason for Taiwan to be worried if Joe Biden defeats him in November.
Taiwan’s Problem Isn’t Anti-Foreigner Discrimination. It’s Risk Assessment
Recent instances of alleged discrimination against foreigners are problematic, but the real concern is an apparent societal tendency to consider the pandemic “foreign.”
Taiwan Wants to Help Fight the Coronavirus. China and the WHO Won’t Let It
Beijing’s efforts to exclude Taiwan from the international community are harmful in normal times. They’re continuing in the midst of a global pandemic, even though Taiwan is ready and willing to help.