The Global Taiwanese Community Should Nominate Lee Teng-hui for a Nobel Prize
It’s a tribute to the power of Taiwan’s isolation and obscurity that Lee continues to be denied his rightful place in 20th century history alongside other heroes of democracy such as Nelson Mandela of South Africa and Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar.
Taiwan by Design: An Interview with Annie Ivanova
It is out of the same frustration that led Australian curator Annie Ivanova to create “Taiwan by Design”, the first comprehensive book about the elements and influences shaping a new Asian design aesthetic from the beautiful island called “Taiwan”.
站在巨人的肩膀上:永別了! 偉大的研究者與台灣
[Book Review] From Ruins of Empire: The Revolt against the West and the Remaking of Asia
An interesting part of this book is that Mishra renders intellectuals, rather than politicians, as the protagonists in historical scenarios.
Coming Out: The Real Stories behind McDonald’s Viral Ad
“They realized I was just like any other person because I still needed to be cared for while going through a breakup,” said Justin. “It was a turning point for our family.”
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Taiwan and the Great Academic Farewell
The year of the Sheep sucked and the year of the Monkey is not looking too good either in my honest opinion. The academic community has lost some of its finest.
Does DPP’s Cross-Strait Oversight Bill Do the Job?
The DPP’s Cross-Strait Oversight Bill is considered a major step toward implementation of the monitoring mechanism introduced during the Sunflower Movement.
2016年,民進黨同時拿下總統大位與立法院過半、取得 30 年來最大的勝利,但隨著民進黨在政府的權力達到歷史高峰,派系惡鬥是否又會成為焦點,或者會在蔡英文的領導下煥然一新?
Taiwan the Temperamental
What is strange is that support of the death penalty in Taiwan is so strong, despite how it’s characteristic of authoritarian countries – something that Taiwan tries so hard not to be.